Thursday, November 18, 2010

Back to Thanks

It's been a while since I posted a Thankful Thursday post, so I thought I'd better get back at it. I've been busy this morning around the house and then have to head off for errands and a program at school. It's nice to take time and realize all that we have, large or small, our lives are filled with many blessings.

Right this moment, I am thankful for
1.) a cool autumn breeze blowing in the window
2.) and the yummy smell coming from my oven.
3.) I'm glad for the little beeping noise coming from my washing machine to remind me it's time to add bleach. (It's nice when appliances help you think.)
4.) I'm thankful for a sweet mom who has wonderful ideas for Christmas
5.) and for upcoming visits with family and friends.

What about you, what are you thankful for?


Jennalane Photography said...

i'm thankful for friends that are coming to visit for thanksgiving! when will you be in town? I love your last 4 blog are a wise and wonderful woman, my friend!

LV said...

All my many blessing the good Lord has seen fit to give me.