Thursday, July 29, 2010

Shopping, Be-Bopping, and Being Thankful

Hi y'all. I think I finally finished up the back to school shopping yesterday. They must like their new stuff, I've already had to make one of them go change clothes this morning. "It's for school. Were you wanting me to drop you off there today? It'll be lonely." Hello Kitty lunchbox is at the ready. Backpacks are packed. PTO stuff pretty much done. I think we're ready.

Let's don't forget, amid the busy-ness of it all, to stop and be thankful.
1. I'm thankful that I found everything that I needed. (All 50 billion things.)
2. I'm thankful that I could buy all the things I needed.
3. I'm thankful that almost everything I had to get I found on sale.
4. I'm thankful for the great attitude that my kids are having toward school.
5. I'm thankful for wonderful schools to be a part of and caring teachers. They make the experience so much better.

Are you ready for heading back to school?


Debra Ganas said...

Be sure and take a picture of each child with their backpack loot spread out. It makes a fun Back to school picture. We just have one going to high school and one to college this year. I just need reams of notebook paper, pens and pencils.

Anonymous said...

i'm thankful for 70 degree weather, i'm thankful that i'm not getting ready for school yet : )...i'm thankful that my husband works hard...i'm thankful for you!! J