Monday, March 21, 2011

Pint Sized PR Agent

Apparently I'm popular enough to have a PR agent. I had one and didn't even know it. She's the best there is and good and getting my "talents" out there. She's also six years old.

At our church we have a snack time between Sunday School and church service. I had made some blueberry pound cake to take since I have lots of blueberries in the freezer and I need to use them up before this summer.

My pint sized PR agent was overheard telling her friend's dad, "Try some of my Mommy's world famous blueberry bread. It's delicious."

Now I'm not sure how my "bread" got to be world famous, but I appreciate her effort and confidence in my cooking. I wonder if she'll try to get me on Oprah or Letterman...

Here's what other world famous dishes I'll be preparing this week.
Grilled burgers, home fries, applesauce
Chicken Stir Fry
London Broil, Stewed Tomatoes & Rice, Salad
Pork Chop Bake, Au Gratin Potatoes, Steamed Broccoli

Well, this starlet is off to scrub bathtubs. I'll try not to let the success go to my head.


Jennalane said...

Famous to those who love you. that's the best kind of "famous"

Kelly Mac said...

You're right, it is!