I was hungry and it just kept calling to me from where I'd stuffed it in my drawer. I succombed to the calling and ate two pieces of pure ping-off-the-wall sugar. I sure did pay for it this morning. Guess who came running back home? Yep, that pound I'd lost.
Oh well, lets move on to happier, and less fattening, thoughts. I thought I'd show y'all a few pictures from the yard. The weather here is absolutely beautiful, and I've been planting vegetables and flowers. Hope your day was full of sunshine and sweetness too.
My happy little bird by the door.
A box full of onions.
Your cast iorn bird is so sweet in the colorful azaleas. Oh, spring......we love you. Love your blog too.
Thank you. I love being outside in the spring, digging in the dirt.
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