Okay, so it's not actually preaching. It's more like a little lesson for our Food for Thought Friday, but 'preachin' just sounded better in the title. I could thump the desk for emphasis and pace in front of the keyboard a couple of times if that makes it more legitimate.
First of all, here's the picture for my inclusion in Pink Saturday. This time I've caught onto the fact that Pink Saturday has to be done before an actual Saturday. Sometimes I'm a little slow. Maybe I'll get it right this time. You can visit her site at http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/my_weblog/
Next I have a recipe that was requested for some zucchini bread I made earlier in the week. The recipe actually came to me from our friend Ruth. I had it at her house a couple of years ago and asked her for it. My kids love it too. Oops, did I forget to tell them that there's zucchini in it? I guess in this instance what they don't know makes them healthier. Moms are sneaky that way.
Zucchini Bread
Step One:
3 c. all purpose flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
Step Two:
3 eggs
2 c. sugar
1 c. vegetable oil
1 tsp. vanilla
2 c. shredded zucchini
1 c. chopped pecans
Mix ingredients for step one and set aside. In a mixing bowl, combine eggs and sugar. Add other ingredients from step two one at a time. Add step one ingredients and mix. Spray two loaf pans with cooking spray. Bake at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes.
And now for us to "think on these things." There has been scenes from the U.N. in the news recently and talk on dignitaries and ambassadors, so I thought we could think for a moment about the job we do as ambassadors.
Take a look at II Corinthians 2:14-16. "But thanks be to God who always leads in triumph in Christ, and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; to the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life. And who is equal to such a task?"
There are two points to see here. The first is that God always leads in triumph. We may not always follow, but that is the way He leads. That is why we are doomed to fail when we stray from His path, because we've strayed from the path of victory. The second thing to see is that through us God makes the knowledge of Christ available to others. We serve as His ambassadors.
To those who are coming to Christ, our walk is an enticing aroma. It's drawing them in, interesting them in knowing more. That's why we much watch every step we take! II Corinthians also goes on to say that to others, the fragrance they smell is death. No wonder some people turn up their noses at Christianity. They find it spiritually repugnant. Whether they are wise in their own eyes and smell what they think is a dead religion with rotten ideas or whether they are in bondage to self and afraid that giving their life to Christ means death to all the things they think make them important, whatever it is that drives, they think Christianity stinks.
We overcome all this and walk victoriously by following in the steps of our Savior. What perfume are you wearing today?
preach it kellymac! i like your style!
Lovely post and we can never hear too much of God's words. Happy Pink Saturday.
Welcome to PS! I am now following you as I look forward to seeing more pink!
Happy PS,
Hi there Kelly! Happy Pink Saturday - and your zucchini bread sounds yummy
Welcome to pink saturday, my sweet chick! You[re going to love seeing all the pink on these blog posts. Nice to meet you.
Happy Pink Saturday and welcome my friend!
Hi! welcome to PINK SATURDAY!
so yummy recipies!
Nice to meet you!
You´re invited to my giveaway!
Hi Kelly, welcome to Pink Saturday! Thanks for the recipe, it sounds yummy. Have a wonderful weekend, Nan
Welcome to Pink Saturday...It is a joy to meet you!
Happy Pink Saturday Sweetie...
Welcome and thank you for the beautiful share today. A pink post, a beautiful zucchini bread recipe and a little scripture.
Oh girl you have truly blessed my heart today and I thank you so much for that. What a treasure.
I am Country Wings in Phoenix, your newest follower. I can't wait to see what you share next. Please pop over and say hi. I would be so honored if you signed up to follow my blog as well. I love meeting new friends and I love sharing with others.
Welcome again sweetie. Hope to see you soon. Many hugs and much love, Sherry
You did just fine on your first Pink Saturday. I have been doing it for about two years, and still goof up at times. I enjoyed your post and blog.
Love that zucchini bread!
Happy Pink Saturday!
love, kelee
That zuchini bread recipe sounds devine! I am seriously going to have to try that out this weekend! My girls love to bake with me. We've been doing banana bread but honestly we're getting tired of it! Ha! This will be the perfect alternate!! Thanks for sharing!
Have a great weekend!
Welcoming you to pink Saturday. You will love being a part of all the pink fun...and meeting so many lovely, sweet-hearted gals.
Our family loves zucchini bread. Usually, I try to grate and freeze a bunch of it during the summer; then in the winter, I just pull a bag out of the freezer and whip up a batch.
And, yes, the way we walk can draw others to the Lord or turn them away. Too bad we're not always mindful of that.
Have a lovely day.
Patti (Fill My Cup with Beauty)
Welcome to PS, love the container with the little birds. Have a wonderful weekend.
Welcome to Pink Saturday! You are going to love seeing Pink every Saturday!
What a yummy looking recipe for Zucchine Bread, thanks for sharing!
Hugs, Ann
I've just had a stroll through your blog. I so enjoyed my visit. Scripture, recipes and Pink. Absolutely perfect. Welcome to Pink Saturday.
You DO have a way with words. I can see i'll be checking back often! I'm your newest follower & do hope you stop by & follow me too. So glad to welcome you to Pink Saturday!
Licks & Wags, Niki
Good stuff...thank you for sharing! Welcome to Pink Saturday!
HaPpY pInK sAtUrDaY!
Welcome to the pink Saturday bloogers.. We love receipes ..zucchini bread. Yummy
Happy Pink Saturday from Pink Sugar Castle...
God Bless You
Welcome to Pink Saturday! Love your pink! And the recipe sounds yummers- can't wait to give it a try!
Happy Belated Pink Saturday!
Maggie Mae @
"Do these shoes match this purse?"
Welcome to P.S. Hope you had a great day. I'm a new follower. Can't wait to read more.
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