Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Coloring Outside the Lines (I mean bag)

We're off to spend the day with Granny today and hopefully finish up the school clothes shopping. How nice it is for her to live around the corner from an outlet mall. Nice visit, nice prices.

I thought I'd share with y'all a little something I'm working on for the PTO. We're having a PTO breakfast on the first day of school for the kindergarten and pre-k moms. It's called the BooHoo WooHoo Breakfast. I drew a little picture and we're putting it on notepads to go in their goody bags. Me and my obsessively match-y tendencies just has to draw the pictures on the goody bags too. I thought they turned out cute. I did them in sparkly crayon on little brown lunch bags. Have a great day!

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