Y'all have been asking about my garden and I thought I'd show you a few pictures. Here are a few squash that the rabbit hasn't reached. I'm training the squash and cucumber to climb some poles. Hopefully they'll be out of hopping range. The broccoli is just about ready to pick. I'm glad. I thought the hot weather was going to get here before it was ready.

This was a busy weekend. There was a birthday party on Friday, a graduation celebration on Saturday, and Mother's Day on Sunday. It kept me hopping, but was all filled with love. Oh, the sweet sound of hearing boys laugh. They're all at the age when it's not so cool to giggle, so when I had a room full of 11 year old boys laughing uncontrollably, I knew I had a precious treasure. I did manage to slip off to a couple of yard sales close to home. I found a bracelet, a pendant, and Riley found tons of Bionicle and Star Wars Lego. I told you it was a good weekend. Although, when I took my potato salad to the party I doubled the recipe. Don't do that.

Here's a picture of Jack's birthday cake that I made. Do you know how hard it is to find something to put on an 11 year old's cake? Major decision. And, for some reason, Hobby Lobby and Michael's had hardly any cake decorating stuff. My cousin Sharon saved the day when she spotted these figures in another section of the store. Jack liked it because when we lit the candles behind them, it looked like the dragon was breathing fire.
Now on to our menus for the week. There's nothing too wild and exciting this week. Let me get finished with the end of the school year and then we'll try some new stuff. The recipe for tonight's meat dish is in an earlier post.
Monday--Country-Fried Steak, Mashed Potato Supreme, Italian Green Beans, Rolls
Tuesday--Blueberry Pancakes, Sausage
Wednesday--Chicken Pot Pie, Strawberries & Cream
Thursday--Meatloaf, Creamed Corn, Carrot Salad, Cornbread
Friday--Grilled Fish, Rice Pilaf, Garden Peas, Salad
Saturday--Homemade Pizza
i can't believe how great your garden looks, and how far along! our squash is still mere seeds, not even up from the ground yet (but it's just as well - we had a pretty heavy frost this morning! ugh!). and broccoli...how in the world do you grow broccoli without bugs eating it to bits? love ya - deb :)
I'm cutting my broccoli today. We did have to spray them. I'll have to ask Jon what he put on them. He's my bug spray and fertilizer man. I have a couple of squash that are ready to pick too. And, I have a million little green tomatoes. I love it. It's in the 80's here--and that's our cool streak.
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